Sunday, May 3, 2009

Seeds are in!

Yesterday, I planted my lettuce and spinach (a mesclun mix, arugula, a bibb lettuce, and a nice flat-leaf spinach), tri-color carrots, deep red beets, little red radishes, and climbing peas against the fence. The kids helped a lot and we had fun, but it was pretty windy and chilly out.

Today is much nicer, and I just finished planting broccoli and cauliflower. After lunch I'll be putting in my perennials: asparagus and rhubarb. I'll need to do a lot of soil preparation in that area, because I haven't planted there before.

Rather than till this year, I'm just digging and raking only in the rows where I'll be planting, not in between. I've reserved some space for pumpkins and squash against the fence on the south side, for cucumbers on the east side, and some middle space for melons, herbs, tomotoes, etc.

I can't plant the potatoes yet today, because I didn't prep them early enough. I just cut them up this morning, so I'll have to wait a few days before putting them in the ground. When I do put them in, I'll reserve space between the rows for bush beans. I've discovered in my research that they are excellent companion plants--chasing away each other's enemy bugs.

In two more weeks I'll put in the warmer weather vegetables, and then I'll start the mulch. Hopefully, next year I won't need to do all of this digging because of the thick, year-round mulch.

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